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The History of Jerome Cotton

Jerome Cotton is an interesting character that first appears in The Book of Enoch, House of Caine, then again in Awakening the King. Though we do not jump fully into Jerome's past, we do know he is an aid to Redon. They are close, but we don't know how close or why.

Jerome is somewhat of a mystery in House of Caine, but another part of his history gets revealed in Awakening. Without divulging spoilers we can say that he has a very important connection to several of the other characters especially Redon and young Joseph, and Elissaria'D who we meet in Awakening the King.

Why was Jerome at the Academy if he was known in Enoch?

How did he become Redon's top aide and why?

If he was so important to Redon and his work, why did he leave?

As you finish the second installment, I look forward to your comments, questions about this quite interesting character.

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